Business comprises a widely variety of activities including the whole field of industry,trade,and finance. Although business can be expanded to include activities such as agriculture, mining, quarrying, manufacturing, processing, transportation, banking,insurance,wholesale and retail distribution, and services of all kinds. In this section however, attention is focussed only on the job opportunities that exist in the functional areas of business namely, marketing, production, accounting, finance, and personnel management.
About 30% of the retail of the world labour force is gainfully employed in marketing.This means that the field of marketing offers a wide variety of jobs. Some of the job areas available in marketing are described below.
Advertising:advertising jobs are available in advertising companies, advertising agencies, and media establishments.Individuals are employed a copy-writers, artists, photographers,researchers, layout designers, printing experts, accountants, e.t.c.
Personal Selling :sales jobs are far the most numerous of all marketing jobs. They are available in most industrial and commercial enterprises. For examples, manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers require the services of sales people. Sales jobs requires extensive travelling and aggressiveness, highly motivated individuals who enjoy work with people.Most salesmen make more from allowances and commissions which are usually combined with straight salaries .
Marketing Research: marketing research covers a broad range of research activities including product research,. sales research, and corporate research. The marketing researcher secures information from consumer in each of these areas of activity and analyses and interprets the data so collected and compiles the final report for the use of management.
Large companies have positions for buyers or purchasing agents.Wholesale and retail organisations utilise the services of buyers or assistant buyers in procuring goods for sale to their customers.Manufacturers require the services of purchasing agents in sourcing for and acquiring raw materials for the production department. For you to become a good retail buyer or an individual purchasing agent, you need to be able to analyse markets,determine the type of merchandize needed by your customers, and negotiate with sellers.
Product Management:
Product or brand focuses on the management of a particular brand of product in a multi-product company.The product manager is responsible for planning the marketing programme for his product line including packaging, labelling, pricing, advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and physical distribution.
Manufacturing industries have opportunities for the employment of graduates of business. Initially,you could be employed as a trainee and after many years of experience you could be promoted to such supervisory positions as line supervisors, production manager, or plant manager. You could also be trained by the company to become its purchasing agents. After many years of experience as a purchasing agent, you could be made responsible for all aspects of materials management in the company.
Accounting is a profession that attracts a very large following. Every company that is worth its salt has an accounting department that is usually headed by a qualified accountant. Accountants are commonly employed in one of the three sub-divisions namely, public accounting, private accounting and governmental accounting. A public accountant offers his services and those of his employees to the pubic for a fee just as lawyers do. A lot of positions also exist in industry for private accountants. Many of such positions are for beginners and there are good opportunities for advancement. A lot of governmental accounting positions are also available in state and federal civil service for graduate of accounting. Such positions include auditor, internal auditor, executive officer(accounts) etc.
Finance is a field that offers a variety of vocational opportunities for graduates of business. These are in banking, insurance, and real estate .Individuals can work as cashiers and credit managers in commercial banks and as underwriters, actuaries, claims adjusters, claims examiners, and brokers in insurance companies.
Employment opportunities in the area of personnel or human resources are greater in manufacturing firms than they are in firms that are engaged in distribution and non-manufacturing enterprises. You could be employed as manpower analyst or personnel researcher, and after years of experience you could rise to the position of human resources manager or director of training.
Graduates of economics are faced with enough job opportunities. This is because economics as a discipline is focused on the ordinary business of Life. Therefore, graduates of this discipline may be employed in the following sectors: manufacturing. banking, insurance, retailing industries, as well as Governmental organization. Graduates of this discipline be consultants whereby they will their skills to render services to the public